Monday, August 18, 2008

She's not just a pretty face

She's not just a pretty face... goes a line from Shania Twain's hit number with the same title. Oh yes, she's way more than just that. For behind that exterior is a determined, responsible, dynamic personality with a loving and tender heart. No, my writing on these lines isn't triggered by the constant discussion on feminism during class lately. I felt compelled to write it sometime back when I was commuting by auto rickshaw. The driver was playing a hindi track from the early 90s "Tu cheez badi hain mast" and it got me thinking, is this what the world thinks a woman is? "Cheez?" ( meaning "thing" in hindi). A mere "thing" of appeal to a man.
I abhor such narrow minded men who perceive women as nothing but objects to satisfy their lust. And then there are those chauvinists who believe that the kitchen is the place for a woman, that household duties are all she is capable of, hence she must be confined to such chores.
Women are capable of a lot more.They're more hardworking, they can take on several duties and perform them efficiently, in fact they are the best candidates for multitasking. I dont mean to rule out men on that, but women are relatively far more reliable. I admire those women who paved the way for a better future for us women of today. We ought to express our gratitude towards them by keeping up that dynamic unrelenting spirit they were known for.
Every woman must create her own identity. She must leave a mark for herself. Her education must bear fruit, not go in vain. And when she hold the reins over the direction her life is taking, she's not just a pretty face. She's a lady!